Saturday, December 12, 2009

Our favorite dates

This was my first time meeting almost all of Jon's family. We drove all the way to Regina, Saskatchewan (Jon will never let me forget the fact that I only drove for half an hour the whole trip). I was greeted by his sisters saying "Hello, you must be Jon's girlfriend. You'll be sleeping in a bed with me tonight." Ha!

One of our all time favorite dates was to a demolition derby for the 4th of July. Here is a pic of one of the cars in all it's hickness glory. "Your it"... I love it.

We went on a white water rafting trip with friends. I mostly love this pic because it shows off my guns! Jon also loves it because it looks like someone is scratching his head.

Stake Hoe Down. Don't we just look HOT?

My birthday falls on Dr. Suess' birthday and so it's tradition to have green eggs and ham.

Freak snow storm in March + trash bags = Midnight FUN!

Celebrating our 1 year dating anniversary at temple square.

Next post: Engagement story!

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