Thursday, October 06, 2011

My pretty pretty princess is ONE!

Since she was born I've whispered "pretty pretty princess" in her ears daily, and it's worked... First of all, is she ever pretty. I get comments daily from strangers. Second, is she ever a princess. She's fierce, demanding, and always cute. I can't believe she's one. Let's start at the beginning:
She came four weeks early. Just like Ethan, I awoke in the middle of the night to my water breaking but no pain. Steadily the pain came and after ONE PUSH she was out!
She was tiny, her face was perfect (some babies can look pretty weird in the first weeks, but not Corryn) and her hair had highlights. She was an AWESOME eater, but very sleepy. The weather was HOT and with no AC she slept a lot. Two days after coming home from the hosp we went right back and stayed a couple days for jaundice treatment.
From then on she's been a perfectly healthy little girl. Six months she stopped nursing, 9 months she started crawling, and 11 months she was walking. She's still small, which I'm perfectly fine with, it just makes her that much cuter. At one year she can say Mama, Dada, ball, ba ba (bottle), baaaa ba (baaath time), nigh nigh (goodnight), and boo (moon). STILL NO TEETH, can you believe it?
Happy Birthday Corryn Rachel Evans! (On Sep 25th)


  1. I love that last picture! Happy Birthday Corryn

  2. Corryn is darling, I can't believe she is one already!

  3. She is a pure delight! Your family is greatly blessed to have her. :-)

  4. She is gorgeous and she has the BEST hair!

  5. Crazy she is one already!!!! She is gorgeous- she looks just like her mother. Happy Birthday Corryn!
