Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Today 7am-12pm

Here's just a little slice of what a day here is like. :)

Corryn wakes us up with giggles which are soon followed by the extreme loudness of Wednesday leaf blowers.... grrrrr
Ethan gets out of bed and finds me in the shower and gives me a kiss through the shower curtain
I see Corryn crawling in the hall naked, sneaky girl
Family scripture study and prayer before Jon leaves for work. Ethan mimics the verses a couple words at a time. It's super cute.
Corryn says a new word, baba
Shredded cheese is spread all over the kitchen and living room
Corryn gets herself naked... again
Dishes, counters, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming
Corryn nap time
It's now 10am.
Ethan's friends Alex and Tom Tom come over to play
I wash the vacuum filter (one of the best purchases I've ever made, washable vacuum filter)
Wake up Corryn and finally dress the kids
All kids watch Blues Clues and Ethan walks around saying "Notebook, where are you?" over and over... his little notebook with paw prints drawn in it has been lost for a couple days now, sad.
Scrub the bathroom while the kiddos play
Ethan and Alex go around the house measuring things with the tape measure
I'm given a quarter of a cheesecake (YUM) for watching the boys
It's only noon.... I'm pooped! :)


  1. I'm pooped just from reading that. Stay at Home Mom's sure work lots harder than I do.

  2. So funny that Corryn loves to get naked, haha. I wanted to ask you about your pizza recipes. Do you have any good ones for dough and especially sauce? I've tried a couple times to make a margherita pizza and it turned out ok, but nowhere near how I wanted it. Teach me, Tara! :)
