A friend of mine recently posted about her little boy's (same age as Ethan) experience at Target when he came across the vacuum aisle. He stared in disbelief and horror and kept pointing at all the vacuums. How cute. My post however is about Ethan staring in disbelief and pointing to his dream come true... BIG TRUCKS.
This kid is obsessed. I don't know if I mentioned this in a pervious post but he looks forward to the garbage truck each Tuesday and Friday, can hear it from a mile away, gets deer eyes and bolts for the window. His legs then shake with excitement as the truck passes and lifts dumpsters high into the air. The kind garbage man has talked to Ethan numerous times, waves and honks his horn as he passes.
Ethan's obsession is no secret, often he'll take trucks with him in his pockets when we go out. And if there is ever a truck toy in the sand at the park, no matter if it's occupied or not, Ethan goes straight for it. And so, when I heard about the Armed Forces Day set up this last weekend, I just knew I had to take Ethan.
We went on a Friday afternoon, so most people were still at work. It was perfect, I let Ethan dictate where he wanted to go, running from truck to truck.
At our house Ethan is a giant... here he looks so small, awww.
Exploring the underbelly of the beast. Fearless.
Yeah, he's pretty much the coolest kid ever. Sitting in the pilot seat of a helicopter.
Look super closely at this one and see Ethan's face. "Whoa!" :)
This is my favorite one, artistically. Lighting is just right. And I love that the service man is showing Ethan all the knobs and buttons.
Speaking of the service men, they were AWESOME. As soon as Ethan learned that you could ask to sit inside the trucks he ran from service man to service man saying "Please, ready, go!" They loved him.
Ethan cuddling with dad and still smiling after his dream date with Mom.