Monday, September 05, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We didn't stray far from home this weekend. Friday we went to the beach in the morning, while it was still cloudy. (I have increasingly sensitive eyes and headaches.) Still got a headache... but it was fun anyway. Corryn loves putting HANDFULS of sand in her mouth... and we're still seeing it out the other end, heh heh. Ethan is a digger, always working intently, so cute.

Sunday night we saw a pink haze on the porch and were surprised to see a beautiful rainbow and a spectacular sunset. There's not a lot of interesting weather here, rarely a drop of rain let alone a rainbow. That's one thing I miss about Idaho and Utah, storms. I miss feeling the electricity in the air and the thunder shake you to the core.

Lately Ethan has been reaching for the moon. Literally. The other night he spotted it, was jumping and saying "It's hard!" He then went running into the house, searching every room for his stool, brought out to the porch and stood on top of it thinking it would help him reach the moon. Tonight he spotted the moon and said "Seat, seat." He grabbed his plush Elmo chair and set it up on the porch and had a seat. Just wanted to watch the moon. He's so cute, I don't want him to change. I took him to the park tonight and he wanted to sit in the bog boy swing. Ah, he's growing up so FAST!

We've recently put the kids in the same room at night.... it's been rough. Really rough. They take turns getting up at night. One night they got up at 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Each time they get up it only takes me 3-5 minutes until I put them back into bed, but then it takes me 30-45 mins to fall back asleep. I'm thinking I'm just going to have to let them cry themselves to sleep, which honestly I would have done earlier but we share walls with other people's bedrooms. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Uuuu yaaa.....nom, nom, nom.....ouuu...and ahhhhh...and wish I could help ya with the kiddos and the cryin'. Love ya!

  2. Perhaps talking with your neighbors might work and explaining what you would like to try. See if they are willing to sleep with earplugs or run a fan for white noise or something like that.

  3. What your Mom said about the neighbors, but also when you talk to them, take them goodies as a peace offering. The power of home baked goods is amazing.

    Also, I just realized (when showing off your cute kids to my co-worker) that they are wearing the $2 JC Penny finds. Hooray for sales!
