Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Someone please save me from this California weather!

Sounds weird, right? I mean, this is where people vacation, for goodness sake. But when the sun is blaring and it's anything over 75, our house COOKS. It's currently 88 in our house. Seriously, why don't people have AC here? I don't understand it. Back when Corryn was first born and there was a big heat wave, I called around in the ward to try to find a house with AC that Corryn and I could chill at, and only found one. One person in the whole ward. Someday we'll have AC... But for now I get daily heat headaches and the kids are super cranky.

Okay, venting over. In other good news, since Jon got a promotion, we are finally able to afford something things on our wish list. One of which is our dream double stroller. LOVE IT! I also finally got a new pair of tennis shoes and a couple new clothing items. SO NEEDED considering I haven't had new clothes since before I had children.

I have mastered the art of homemade pizza. Tips: Use bread flour when making the dough, use fresh mozzarella, saute the mushrooms before hand, get a basil plant, and use roma tomatoes. YUM!!!!

Last of all, I wanted to convey my love to my friends. They really make living here worth the ridiculous cost and heat headaches. They have become family. :) :) These are only some of the wonderful women in my life, taken at a baby shower I recently helped throw.

1 comment:

  1. I wish we had AC... but we do have sprinklers! Come on over anytime! Also, I love the shot from the shower- so many girls I love so much all in one spot! That linen top is so beautiful on you.
