Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I love being a Mom

Lately I've been in a good funk, I like my daily life as a mom. It helps that my kids are really easy to take care of... as of right now. In 6 months I may be cursing this post, but for now my little angels are just that.

This is a dress I wore as a baby, can you believe it? Thanks for sending it, Mom.

Believe it or not, the kids sat in the wagon like this for a good half an hour talking to each other while I was in the kitchen doing my secretive thing... I know you really want to know, but I'm not going to tell you.


  1. Cookbook?! Cuz if it is, I'd totally buy one ;D
    And, as always, ADORABLE kiddos!!

  2. I'm so glad you guys bought the wagon, it has been such a cool thing for the kiddos :-) Corryn is getting more hair, yay!! Anne would be jealous of Corryn's puff sleeves! Ethan is such an awesome big brother. I'm glad you are having fun!

  3. My guess on her surprise is that it's.......a painting!!.....Am I right????
